About Me

Caligraphy is a skill that's mastered with practice.  It's all about hand, mind and eye coordination.  I have many years of calligraphic experience and training with master calligraphers from around the world.  As a modern day lettering artist I work with fabric, canvas, wood, glass, as well as paper.  I enjoy teaching which gives me an opportunity to share how calligraphy can be incorporated into everyday life and enhance everyday handwriting.  


  1. Susan, I missed the opportunity to sign up for the into to chalk lettering, are you going to offer another class, or are you available for private lessons? I would like to get a bunch of ladies together to learn this. I can be reached at glynb860@gmail. Thanks Gina Bayes

  2. Hi Gina,

    So sorry for the delayed response, but I'm experiencing technical difficulties with my blog site. Please email me at 4inksusanh@gmail.com
